Saturday, November 15, 2008

Twilight: the Movie Tour

At five in the morning, at a tour site near you, the Phantom and her two sidekicks, Mistress Jade: the Jade Mistress and Hipster, rolled out of bed to greet the still-dark city streets. They made their way to the mall entrance nearest Hot Topic, in search of the golden ticket that would grant them an autograph from Cedric - er, Edward. Only the first 500 entrants would be allowed into this dazzling event.
But alas, upon arrival, they were greeted by news cameras, disgruntled mothers with mugs of hot coffee, and at least 500 screaming teenage girls camped out in tents in the 30-degree weather. The first 500 had been in line since 12:30 am the previous night.
All the Phantom has to say to that is: "The only time I'd wait in a line for that long would be if it was a line to meet God. Or maybe Charles Dickens."

1 comment:

NiceFeatheredHat said...

The harpies! They are after us all!